Art Institute Chamber Series: Armistice Centennial: Toward a New Day

Nov 11

2:00 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Celebrate the power of the human spirit in a concert commemorating the centenary of the World War I Armistice. With a reverent hymn of thanks, Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 15 chronicles his own personal triumph over pain. Though Hindemith wrote his Second String Quartet while a soldier in the fields of the Great War, its fierce virtuosity gives way to an ethereal finale that rises above conflict to express hope. Postconcert, learn about art from post-World War I, a time when some artists found inspiration in reworking classical styles while many turned to abstraction as a tool to redefine art and society.

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Hindemith String Quartet No. 2, Opus 10
Beethoven String Quartet No. 15 in A Minor, Op. 132


Oakley Quartet

Rong-Yan Tang violin
Kozue Funakoshi  violin
Diane Mues viola
Daniel Katz cello


This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.