WJBC Memorial Wall: World War II

World War II Memorial Wall

Memorial Wall   Black Hawk War   Civil War A-M   Civil War N-Z   Civil War Livingston
Spanish-American   World War I   Korean War   Vietnam War   Middle East Conflicts

The World War II Memorial Wall lists a record of names of McLean County and Livingston County residents who served and perished in that conflict.

If you notice what you believe to be an error or omission, please contact us here.

Name Name Name
Abrell, John D. Hastings, Larry Nate, Joseph Cookman Jr.
Adamson, Harold Hattan, Norman L. Nelson, Harold N.
Ades, Albert O. Helm, W. Benny Newberry, George
Aldrich, Albert L. Henderson, Harvey James Nichols, Darwin
Allen, Clarence Henderson, Myron J. Nicol, Howard W.
Allen, Milfred Henson, Delmar Nigel, Howard W.
Ambrose, James Crichton Hess, Lyle Oneal, Hal R.
Anderson, Clarence T. Hightshoe, Robert M. Onstott, Carl E.
Apell, Melvin William Hildebrandt, Robert L. Otto, Harlan D.
Armes, Widd E. Hill, Roy A. O’Brien, Patrick
Bacon, Owen W. Hilsabeck, Glen Elwood O’Neal, John
Baird, Paul J. Hoffman, George M. Owens, Raleigh
Bath, Charles E. Hoffman, William A. Paige, Gene H.
Beck, John W. Holloway, Henry Parsons, Robert R.
Bedinger, Claude Edwin Horine, Fred Paulsen, Turner H.
Beitz, Harold P. Hostetler, Donald Penner, Ronald A.
Bertram, William Houston, Louis F. Pfeiffer, Frank Jr.
Bertrand, Vernon E. Huffman, Eugene Phillips, Elmer D.
Besinger, Albert Humphreys, Howard Phinney, William Walter
Birckelbaw, Deane O. Hurwitz, Samuel D. Pierce, Delburt L.
Blum, John Hubert Imig, Warren Pinneo, James C.
Bommarito, Sam Ingle, Yuven E. Pistole, Frank Lyle
Bottari, Oreste Jackson, Floyd Pitts, John J.
Bowen, Ralph Jackson, Victor E. Plann, William J.
Boyle, Wayne E. Janulis, Joseph Postlewait, Richard
Brandt, Marvin L. Jaspers, Loren Powell, John Fredrick
Brickey, Jesse E. Johnson, Buster Neal Poynter, James W.
Brining, Elmer G. Johnson, Evert D. Press, Maurice
Brolzman, Robert C. Johnson, Guy S. Price, Harry O.
Brown, Harold R. Johnson, Hubert C. Jr. Purkey, Ronald A.
Bryant, Robert L. Johnson, Paul Rader, Dale E.
Burton, James E. Jones, Ralph Radka, Lawrence
Campbell, Morse Jordan, Arthur D. Raleigh, Joseph
Canerdly, Fred Julian, Robert Read, Edward F.
Carter, Edwin Davis Kane, Loren D. Rediger, Burnell
Cavallo, Eugene Kannapel, Eugene H. Ricketts, Myron K.
Cooper, Lloyd Kearney, Edward Timothy Riddle, Carl W.
Corum, Howard Keiser, Ronald Ringer, Walter
Cox, Arnold Keller, John W. Robbins, Thomas
Craig, Verlin L. Kellerhals, John V. Roegge, Marlin R.
Crout, Nell Kelly, James L. Roemer, Jack D.
Croutcher, Clarence Kendall, Raymond N. Ropp, John D.
Crump, John Kerr, Dr. Charles R. Roseman, Ivan C.
Crutcher, Ralph Lee Keys, Joseph M. Rosenbaum, William C.
Custer, Paul L. Kietzmann, Joseph R. Ross, Lynn W.
Dalton, Delmar Knecht, Henry A. Rouse, John H.
Daniel, Bertchel R. Kregor, Joe A. Schenkel, Ralph C.
Davidson, Charles L. Kufersin, Joseph L. Scholl, Hartzelle B.
Dearth, Paul Kuntz, Samuel H. Jr. Scnellbacher, John L.
Defenbaugh, Ross N. Kwasigroh, Clifford A. Severson, Robert
DeMange, Ewing A. Lancaster, John H. Seyerson, Mrs. Robert
Denney, John T. Landsmann, Forrest E. Shepherd, Donald K.
Dickerson, Darrell Leroy Land, Willard Shover, Russell
Donaldson, Clarence E. Lanz, Lyle Shumate, Wayne
Donaldson, William Lawrence, Jonas A. Sigler, Arthur L.
Doran, Edward F. Leach, Merle W. Sipowsky, Edwin James
Doran, Raymond Leake, Raymond S. Siron, Ormond K.
Dossett, Willard LeGier, Stephen Smiley, Oris B.
Douglass, Elton D. Lehman, Wayne Snow, Frederick
Downey, Edwin J. Lewicki, Mack Snow, Ralph
Downing, Burton Lewis, Marion Sommer, Jesse S.
Duesing, Norton Lightfoot, Eugene Spencer, Albert
Duke, William Lee Lockard, Joseph Robert Spiker, Earl
Elliott, Robert E. Longborn, Dale Stephens, Cyril Eldon
Erickson, Lyle Lonis, Marion Stewart, James K.
Ervin, William M. Lovins, Charles Raymond Stivers, Henry
Ethell, Lyle C. Luallen, Orville E. Stroh, Robert Wayne
Finger, Walter E. MacDonald, Myrl T. Swartz, Ben
Finley, Elbert J. Manahan, Eugene Swibaker, Francis D.
Fitzgerald, Joseph Marcum, Doc Lee Talbott, Ben A.
Fleischer, Lloyd Mardis, Lawrence Taylor, George Wesley
Flesher, Wilfred M. Marshall, Alfred C. Teegarden, Clinton R.
Floege, Frank Martenson, Edward A. TeVoert, Harold
Fohl, Harry A. Martin, Ben R. Thacker, Eugene
Foley, Henry Martin, David F. Thoennes, Gerard E.
Folkes, Wayne Martin, Merlin Thomas, Ernest H.
Forrest, Emory A. Mason, Francis Louis Thompson, David C.
Fox, George L. Masters, Harold Deane Tipsord, Winston D.
Frawley, Robert J. Mays, Merle C. Trautmann, Lyle R.
Freeman, Marvin McClure, Bruce Troutner, Milburn
French, Edward G. McConkey, Thomas A. Turner, Robert Griggs
Frieburg, Gerald McCorkle, David F. Underwood, Bernie M.
Friedman, Joseph G. McCormick, Harold B. Uszcienski, Bernard F.
Frink, Warren McDainel, Richard P. Utesch, Louis F.
Fritz, Elwood McKee, Francis Van Atta, Don
Fugate, Donald H. McKenney, Clyde J. Veselack, John Peter
Funderburk, Troy O. McNatt, Robert D. Vinson, Lyle E.
Funk, James J. Meany, John J. Wade, Eugene
Gardner, Peter C. Meyer, Delmar Walker, Everett E.
Gassaway, William E. Millard, Mark Walker, Lawrence
Gaultney, David J. Miller, Clarence Ward, Donald Fredrick
Gaultney, Leonard Miller, Harold Warmoth, Warren J.
Gaultney, Ralph Martin Miller, Hazle Warren, Charles
Geist, William E. Miller, Marion Lee Watkins, John C.
Genders, William E. Miller, Jewel J. Watson, Paul
Gerth, Herman Millikin, Paul Weed, Emery
Giermann, Harvey C. Minier, Lee N. Weed, Merle D.
Giermann, Alfred H. Jr. Mitchell, Wayne Welling, Leo
Glenn, Edgar Moews, Anthony C. Wencicker, William J.
Graham, James T. Moews, Francis G. Wheeler, Robert E.
Graning, Frank Moffitt, Clarence Whitesell, Issac
Gray, Robert Moore, Richard H. Whitney, Harry P.
Green, Jack Morefield, Warren E. Wichmann, Delmar
Green, Joseph Morgan, Harold W. Williams, Guy
Greenwald, Sylvester Morris, Harold Williams, Kirts
Grimm, Hugo M. Morrissey, Raymond Wonderlin, Simon Webb
Grove, Alonzo W. Mortenson, Edward Allen Wresinski, Leo F.
Hail, Raymond E. Moritmer, Donald R. Yarnell, Richard C.
Hale, Waldo Stedham Mounce, Carl T. Yates, Paul
Hancock, William Myers, Celecto Yates, William Reed
Harpster, Marion Myers Mariones Yolton, Leroy W.
Harris, John Nate, Elnor Campbell Zinn, Francis L.
Harrison, Vernon Frank


From: McLean County Museum of History


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