Mornings with Scott Laughlin & Kevin Bessler

Scott is joined every morning by Kevin Bessler. They will keep you up to date with what’s happening locally and nationally and feature interviews with local news makers, politicians and community leaders. During football season, ISU Coach Brock Spack and IWU Coach Norm Eash join the show weekly. IWU basketball coach Ron Rose and ISU basketball Coach Dan Muller join the show during basketball season. Katherine Murphy joins in with news at the top and bottom of every hour. Catch the latest market reports, local and ag news. Tune in for the conversation and share a laugh.


WJBC Voices: The safe, legal and rare fraud

At one time, Hillary Clinton’s mantra about abortion was that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”  I suspected then that she really meant only the “legal” part, and time has borne out that suspicion.

WJBC Voices: Celebrating local workers

By Mike Matejka Labor Day is perhaps the most mis-understood holiday in the nation’s calendar.  Traditionally viewed as a summer’s end celebration, its real roots are in worker protest, trying to claim and celebrate their role in society. In Bloomington, local unions organize and march together, along with community groups and aspiring politicians, in Monday’s…