Inez Webster and Katharine Bagby

Katharine Bagby

Katharine Bagby

Katharine Bagby's wartime service lasted from August of 1918 to September of 1919. She performed canteen work in France.

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Inez Webster, a graduate of Lombard College (a local college that was incorporated into Knox College in the wake of the Great Depression) was responsible for the direction of the Polygon orphanage in Leninaken/Alexandrova, Armenia during World War I. A Chicago Tribune article on January 26, 1927 states, "At the Polygon orphanage, in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, are 6,000 waifs whose parents either were massacred by the Turks, deported by the Russians, or imprisoned or starved to death in war, Miss Webster said. These children are totally dependent on American charity." The article went on to say that the majority of the children at the Polygon orphanage were young girls under the age of eleven, and that, according to "Miss Webster," the institution's goal was to give these girls the skills required to be self-sufficient by the time they turned sixteen.

Letter from Inez Webster to Max Goodsill

In 1955, in their old age, these two women decided to take a world tour together "since we can't take our savings with us." Their story was told in a Chicago Tribune article on April 15, 1955, entitled "Golden Years: A World Tour: Illinois Women Spend Some of Savings." Upon their return, when asked for comment on their travels, Inez Webster stated that "It's been a wonderful trip," and Katherine Bagby expressed only one regret - that they hadn't been able to climb the 1,000 steps to kiss the Blarney stone when they were in Ireland.