Former Knox College student Don B. Hartman describes his passage overseas to Dr. Simonds, and states, "I am sure the life and work over here is going to be a great experience for all of us and I wouldn't have missed it for anything." Part of his…
Included in this edition of 'Famous Sayings' in 'The Gale' - an assortment of regularly-repeated phrases heard around campus - is: "Sharfenberg - Now listen, Captain Spake, I don't feel good and I think you ought to excuse me from drill." Perhaps not…
This page of the Knox College yearbook provides a few details surrounding the deaths of the Knox men who died during the war and honors their memories, stating "Their honor is the honor of Knox."
Lieutenant Jesse Allen Crafton's letter home after the armistice is published in 'The Knox Alumnus.' Crafton writes "It is done at last. It doesn't seem much different, there was but little thrill connected with it, and as yet we are not able to…
This section of the 1918 Knox College yearbook recognizes student military service, mentioning William Euard and Homer Sharp by name. Both of these students were killed in the war, William Euard in France, and Homer Sharp in an airplane accident in…
Attitudes about French and German soldiers are presented in this article, written by an anonymous author. The author also provides an interesting description of air raids in France during the war.
Individuals representing administration from America's foremost universities and colleges chose to forego athletic competitions during the war. However, seeing the benefits of athletic training to the war effort, schools planned to maintain their…