Knox College faculty member Robert E. Williams writes to Dr. Simonds: "I felt it coming all the time, the fever to do my part on the world war and I am writing you to say that I am a member of the University of Chicago Ambulance Corps No. 3. I…
Knox student and soldier Robert Midkiff writes to Dr. Simonds: "I was very glad to receive your reply to my Christmas card, and to note in it that you would care to have any pictures that Knox men might have taken. Accordingly, I am enclosing a…
Russell H. Taylor writes to Dr. Simonds to let him know that, while he had received scholarship money for the college and "am very grateful to you for it," he could not accept it, as he had enlisted in the Army. Taylor was located in Camp Jackson in…
Peacock writes to Dr. Simonds to tell him that "I went to Chicago and took the examinations for the Medical Corps, and passed in fine shape, therefore, I will go to France to do Hospital work in a few days," and inquires about his credits…
Simon Guy Parks expresses his regrets at not being able to attend commencement (as it turns out he could have done so) and writes that going to Camp Jackson in South Carolina was "a great disappointment to me for I had hoped to be sent 'over seas' at…
An anonymous canteen worker writes home about her experiences, commenting that "Good heavens, it drives me mad when I stop to think of what we as a nation could do, what we have done and what is left to be done. You people in the States have no more…