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A ship approaches or sails away from a port.

Several soldiers lean over the side of a ship to watch another ship draw up alongside.

View of the sea from the deck of a ship.

Knox College's service flag is displayed on Old Main. The image was taken some time near the end of the war. The number 642 represents the number of Knox men serving in the armed forces during the war (the final number was 660).

The proceeds from Knox's senior play, 'Breezy Point,' were given to the thirty-six men at Knox who had joined the armed forces.

Students march into the barracks that were erected south of the auxiliary gymnasium. These barracks were disposed of in 1919.

This page in the Knox College yearbook includes pictures of the men who served as sergeants in the S.A.T.C.

Students are led in calisthenic exercises on Willard Field.

The S.A.T.C. at Knox created an obstacle course as a drilling ground for Knox students who were to serve in World War I.

Students gather in the mess hall erected to the south of the gymnasium.

Uniformed students participating in the S.A.T.C. gather in Chamberlain Hall on the second floor of Old Main.

Knox's gym served as the headquarters for "Camp Knox: Students' Army Training Corps U.S.A."

Clearly, some members of the Knox College S.A.T.C. were more zealous than others!

Imitations of shell holes were created on Willard Field as part of the S.A.T.C.'s drilling ground behind Old Main on Willard Field. Old Main is visible on the left side of the photograph.

Willard Field was turned into a drilling ground during World War I. Old Main is visible on the left side of the photograph.
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