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McClelland accepts his appointment as a first lieutenant in the Ordnance Reserve.

McClelland discusses college business with Knox president James L. McConaughy. McClelland clarifies reimbursements the College can expect for housing and training soldiers.

This page of Knox's 1918 yearbook (including the senior class of 1917) includes photographs of all the students in the Knox College fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon. William Ray Euard (second from right, bottom row) and Jared Smith (second from right,…

This page of the Knox College yearbook is dedicated to the members of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity Quite a few members of Tau Kappa Epsilon served in the war, and Jared Smith gave his life in 1918.

Three tanks move across a dusty landscape.

A tank rests among a stand of trees.

Dozens of crates of supplies are being transported on a ship.

This illustration by Knox College student Ildra Jessup introduces the segment of 'The Gale' about the S.A.T.C. on campus.

The purpose and schedule of the Knox branch of the S.A.T.C. is summarized in the 1919 issue of 'The Gale.'

Five students stand on Kelly Field in Texas in 1917. The men are identified as Condit Grady (class of 1910), Robert Midkiff (class of 1919), Thompson, Johnson, and Stephen Lawrence Ingersoll (class of 1918).

Students of the Students' Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.) in the mess hall at Knox College.

Six women are listed as student assistants in "War Aims," alongside student assistants in chemistry, biology, and physics, in the Knox College 1920 yearbook (produced in 1919).

Men salute the flag as it is raised outside the S.A.T.C. (Student Army Training Corps) barracks on Willard Field on the Knox College campus.

A small storage shed is built into the woods.

This certificate denotes that the holder of said certificate owns a share of the Knox College War-Relief League, Limited's stock, providing the owner with the "satisfaction of having aided suffering humanity."
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