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Military barracks on the Knox College campus.

The first section of the Knox College yearbook is usually dedicated to photographs of the buildings on campus. This year, an artist sketched, among other things, various places on campus that were associated with the war effort. These sketches were…

"Hershel" and "Scharfenberg" are mentioned as bickering in the barracks in 'The Gale's' "Sparks," a page detailing humorous anecdotes about life at Knox College.

Students' belongings are neatly arranged inside the school's barracks. The barracks were dismantled in 1919.

Men work on constructing military barracks on the Knox College campus.

Barracks for the S.A.T.C. were constructed on the Knox College campus south of the gym.

Individuals recovering at the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan could choose from these options for their meals. The menu notes, "This diet has been planned by your Dietitian in accordance with instructions from your physician."

This photograph shows Beirne Henry Coffman in his Air Force uniform.

Benjamin Bartlett Baldwin in uniform.

The Knox College yearbook section detailing the activities of Beta Theta Pi states, "We've always been patriotic, fought in all the wars, subscribed to all the thrift campaigns, bought bonds when we couldn't even buy a needle for the Victrola, have…

This page from the Knox College 1919 yearbook (produced in 1918) includes photographs of Beta Theta Pi members. Of these boys, Midkiff, Clark, Parks, Ely, Imig, Grady, Snyder, and Allen were serving in the armed forces at the time of publication.

A biplane.

A town is decimated by the war.

A bridge connects the foreground and background of this photograph.

Knox student Raymond Lee Sauter was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his "meritorious service" during World War II, continuing the service to his country he began in the First World WAr.
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