Jane A. Delano of the Bureau of Nursing Service in Washington, D.C. sends Georgia Finley her official enrollment card, verifying her as an American Red Cross Dietitian, readying her for overseas travel.
John Brian McCormack writes to William Ferris' sister about the circumstances of her brother's death. He writes about the friendship he and William Ferris had shared, saying, "Bill's death comes home to me very close, for we had faced death together…
The armistice was signed, and John M. Baker, member of the class of 1919 and future faculty member, was taken aback: "Dear Doctor Simonds: Every time I ever went to a fire it was extinguished before I arrived. Every time I ever got to go on a…
Baker writes: "After a nearly two hundred mile cross country hike up here, our regiment and brigade has set to work on the last and most interesting part of our training, [actual] firing and reconnaissance under simulated campaign conditions. After…
Joseph Ralston Hayden enclosed a typed manuscript in a note to Dr. Simonds, writing on his narrative: "Dear Dr. Simonds - Thinking that you might be interested, I slipped a carbon in for you when writing this letter home…"
Lyman Thompson, a former Journalism professor at Knox, describes life at Fort Sheridan with other Knox men, and how anxious he is to get to France to help win the war.
Otho Sherrick writes from a military training camp in Great Lakes, Illinois, that "Uncle Sam has made me one of his blue jackies since I left school on the third of June. The navy is a fine place, and I like it better than what I have seen of the…
Member of the class of 1920 and soldier Percy G. Johnson writes to Dr. Simonds to thank him for the rebate on Johnson's tuition fee. He praises the fine weather in Georgia, details his schedule at Fort Screven, and notes, "I don't expect to be here…
Raymond T. Swenson, a member of Knox's class of 1920, writes to Dr. Simonds "to make sure that you should hear from those from Knox who are in the Student Army Training Camp here." Swenson describes his work by saying, "Everything is going nicely.…