Illinois & the Great War, April 6, 1917 to June 28, 1919
A Seaman's Diary of World War I at Illinois State University [Normal]
A Time For Reflection - A Message of Peace at Chicago Symphony Orchestra [Chicago]
A University Goes to War, World War I Women at Illinois State University [Normal]
Answering the Call at Illinois State University [Normal]
Archives & Local History Collections at the Highland Park Public Library at Highland Park Public Library [Highland Park]
Chicago and the Great War at Chicago Public Library [Chicago]
Chicago's Roll of Honor -- Part One at Chicago Tribune [Chicago]
Chicago's Roll of Honor -- Part Two at Chicago Tribune [Chicago]
DeWitt County World War I Collection at Vespasian Warner Public Library [Clinton]
En Guerre: French Illustrators and World War I at The University of Chicago [Chicago]
First Division Museum at First Division Museum at Cantigny Park [Winfield]
Glencoe in the Great War at Glencoe Historical Society [Glencoe]
Glimpses of the Great War: Faith, Family and Community during World War I at DePaul University [Chicago]
Illinois National Guard World War I Intelligence Maps at Illinois State Archives [Springfield]
James Edward Myers World War I Sheet Music Collection at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Champaign]
Knox College Experiences the First World War at Knox College [Galesburg]
Knox College in the Great War at Knox College [Galesburg]
Lewis Institute and Armour Institute of Technology at Illinois Institute of Technology [Chicago]
McLean County WWI Soldiers That Never Came Home at McLean County [McLean]
Music of the First World War at Illinois State Library [Springfield]
Northern Illinois University in the First World War at Northern Illinois University [Dekalb]
Northwestern Remembers the First World War at Northwestern University [Evanston]
Records Relating to World Wars letters at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale [Carbondale]
Rush University Medical Center in the First World War at Rush University Medical Center [Chicago]
Somethin' to Write Home About: World War I at Northern Illinois University [Dekalb]
The Activities of North Shore Country Day School During the Great War at North Shore Country Day School [Winnetka]
The James Francis Driscoll Collection of American Sheet Music at The Newberry Library [Chicago]
The War That Made Today at University of Illinois at Chicago [Chicago]
Underwriters Laboratories in the First World War at Underwriters Laboratory [Northbrook]
Villains or Heroes: Pullman vs. Debs at McHenry County Historical Society [Woodstock]
Winnetka Goes To War at Winnetka Historical Society [Winnetka]
WJBC Memorial Wall at WJBC Radio [Bloomington]
World War I Documents at the Illinois State Library at Illinois State Library [Springfield]
World War I Monument Preservation Grant Program at Landmarks Illinois [Chicago]
World War I, 1914-1918 at Pritzker Military Museum and Library [Chicago]